
The Art of Steampunk by Art Donovan

The Art of Steampunk by Art Donovan
Stars: 4/5

The Art of Steampunk seeks to celebrate the world of Steampunk: a world filled with beauty and innovation. A world in which steam power and technology intertwine to create machines that are not only functional and practical, but unique and striking.

Inside, you will find the fantastical and stunning artwork of Steampunk artists from around the world. The 17 artists featured on these pages, among the frontrunners of the Steampunk genre, have had their work displayed at an exhibition at The Museum of History of Science at the University of Oxford, UK and have attracted the media attention of BoingBoing, one of the world’s largest blogs. Their artwork consists of everything from clocks and watches to light fixtures and jewelry, but every piece demonstrates hours of painstaking work and devotion from its creator. You will find that the artists themselves are just as unique and colorful as their masterpieces. Fully embracing Steampunk ideology, many have adopted a Victorian alter ego—a mad scientist persona to match the complicated intricacies of their artwork.

Review is based on an electronic viewing
A beautiful introduction to the world of steampunk, with nice art, limited text and good, basic information. While not ideal for someone already deeply in the world of steampunk, this book will definitely give some ideas to the beginning dabbler, as well as explain some of the history and concepts behind streampunk. A visually appealing work, this definitely would be worth having sitting on the coffee table. If nothing else, it will strike up conversation.

Beautiful. There is some truly beautiful art represented on these pages, ranging from clothing to tools to just works of art (although they are all art in their own way).

Ideas. While this book primarily provides ideas of what steampunk culture is, it also is a nice look at different elements of the culture for those already involved, possibly offering fresh ideas for people who want to try something a little different with their own steampunk style.

Minimal words. While there are captions, descriptions, and some cute stories, as well as some background to both steampunk and the exhibition which this book represents, for the most part the art is left to speak for itself, letting the beauty stand on its own without being bogged down by unnecessary information.

Not necessarily a weakness, but this is definitely angled for people just getting into steampunk, or it's meant to educate and draw people into the fold. While the perks definitely outnumber the drawbacks, aside from purely aesthetic reasons to get this, hardcore steampunk people may not get as much out of it.

I requested a review copy of this book.

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